A magical place, an ancient habitat witness to history and to the evolution of life.
Villa Bogdano is a centuries-old estate nestled in a pristine site orientated towards a sustainable future that evokes nature, life and passion.
A magical place, an ancient habitat witness to history and to the evolution of life.
Villa Bogdano is a centuries-old estate nestled in a pristine site orientated towards a sustainable future that evokes nature, life and passion.
In this place man and nature coexist in a harmonic balance.
Roe deer populate the estate, peeping from the edges of the crops. Over the vineyards, owls, and northern harriers look for voles and moles, definitely inhabiting a healthy living ecosystem.
We are a resting place for numerous species of birds during the migration season. Overwintering and nesting species, such as the green woodpecker or the grey heron, flock to this oasis. We also offer refuge for other rare and protected species: the yellow-bellied toad, the frog from Lataste, the marsh tortoise, and the stag beetle.
Villa Bogdano 1880 stands next a lowland forest dating back to 1200s. It is an integral part of the estate, where biodiversity reigns.
A EU Site of Community Importance (SCI) for the protection of endangered species of plants, animals, habitats, the European Community has also designated the forest a Special Protection Area (SPA) under the Natura 2000 network.
In 2018 the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities declared it an area of considerable public interest.